
Do you think about how computers and technology impact people? Do you care about building more just, equitable, and inclusive systems? Do you want to learn about how communities in the Global South design, build and use technology?

An interdisciplinary team of Notre Dame faculty from the College of Arts & Letters and the College of Engineering’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering are working to reimagine how we teach responsible computing at Notre Dame. We’re invested in interdisciplinary approaches that center the voices and lived experiences of those most directly impacted by inequitable structures of power. We’re especially interested in global-oriented approaches that center Global South perspectives and experiences.

We’re working on building new courses, reimagining existing courses, and helping Notre Dame faculty learn more about how to teach responsible computing.

Initial project goals & areas of focus:

  1. Framework for building an interdisciplinary community of practice to design, develop, & implement community-based teaching interventions. Bring together professors, researchers, practitioners, K-12 educators, local government & local non-profits

  2. An online resource portal for instructors & practitioners. Builds on the Ethics at Work & Ethics in CS projects to develop modular instructional resources

  3. A redesigned core CS Ethics course including open curriculum materials (syllabus, assignments, slides, etc). Designed to reach beyond CS & ground students in critical cultural frameworks & incorporate community-based, real-world applications with a special emphasis on global-oriented teaching materials & pedagogies

  4. A new interdisciplinary responsible computing gateway course. An interdisciplinary core curriculum course that foregrounds scholarship & practice critical cultural approaches to computing